Jaktorów September 2018


Trendak’s gyrocopters are more and more popular. They are now present in 37 countries on five continents. Thanks to reliability and great performance they are now present in a new market.


That new market is Thailand placed in south easr part of Asia. Last week team of our mechanics helped in the final assembly of Exclusive Tercel. Innovative and technologically advanced 2-seat, side-by-side gyrocopter was checked and approved for flight. With no problems AAT mechanics assembled and delivered the gyro to a satisfied customer.


In case of big interest AAT is now in the meantime of negotiations with a new dealer who is interested to be an AAT representative for Thailand.


More info about AAT dealers you can find on our website: https://www.trendak.eu/en/dealers/


Press Department

Aviation Artur Trendak