Dealer of Aviation Artur Trendak gyroplanes in France.
Autogyre Academy conducts aviation trainings for pilots and instructors, and is our dealer on the French market. Autogyre Academy also provides full service and maintenance of AAT gyroplanes.
Instytut Agrofizyki
Institute of Agrophysics (IA PAS) is a research institution of the Polish Academy of Sciences. IA PAS is an institute of Division II of Biological and Agricultural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The main object of research is focused on transport processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, properties and processes affecting soil and plant quality, processing for food and energy purpose. The interdisciplinary approach applies physics, physicochemistry and biology for solving contemporary problems of agriculture. Applicable research is focused on developing and improving methods and devices for evaluation and monitoring of soil, agricultural plant materials and gas emission, and on creating new food technologies of biomass processing for energy or new biomaterials and biopreparations.
Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii
The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography was established in 1945.
The mission of the Institute is to carry out research and applided works in the field of surveying and mapping and related disciplines for science, geodetic and cartographic practice for the needs of state and local governments, national security, as well as for surveying and cartographic enterprises.
An important part of the Institute’s activity is also conducting research and applided works in the field of basic geodetic measurements, as well as the applicaton of aerial and satellite remote sensing in agriculture, environmental protection, regional planning and public statistics.
Together with WINGS GYROCOPTER school from Austria we have started trainings for an ultralight gyrocopter pilot license. This is for all the clients from Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. As a result of the training you can get license from Polish, Czech, Austrian or German Aviation authority.
During the winter time all the practical training is done in sunny Spain.
Politechnika Lubelska
Volunteer Fire Brigade from Baranów is one of the oldest in the region. It was established 90 years ago. For the last three years they have been using gyrocopter for searching and rescuing missions.
Instytut lotnictwa
Institute of Aviation in Warsaw was established in 1926 and since then it is one of the biggest aviation research and development center in Poland. It is also our consortium partner in the EU project “Modern autorotative rotor”.
OSP Baranów
Volunteer Fire Brigade from Baranów is one of the oldest in the region. It was established 90 years ago. For the last three years they have been using gyrocopter for searching and rescuing missions.
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
University of Life Sciences in Lublin is one of the biggest research centers in Poland. And as one of the very few it conducts research on the use of efficient aircraft at the modern biological methods of plant protection. In November of 2013 Aviation Artur Trendak & Son and University of Life Sciences in Lublin signed a cooperation agreement in the fields of: research and development, exchange of scientific research results, seminary and conference organization, providing support for students of the University.
Kompol is engaged in manufacturing articles made of light composite materials: Glass-fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP, GRP), Carbon-fiber reinforced plastic(CFRP) and Aramid-fiber reinforced Plastic (AFRP). We’ll take it from the very beginning: building the model, cast, till the final product.
SAMOLOTY.PL is Polish aviation portal. Eve.Informacje forything about flying, news for pilots and for aviation enthusiasts.
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