International night air shows. The most spectacular and unusual aerial and artistic spectacle!


The upcoming edition of Gdynia Aerobaltic 2018 is 3 days of seaside air shows. On August 17, 18, 19 in Gdynia will be one of the most spectacular air events in Poland.

The power of sensations, thrills and lots of air fun. This is a summary of many attractions prepared for you by AAT.

One of the most interesting points of the whole event will be a show of gyroplanes in flight. We wonder what the pilots from the “57-my” Team will draw in the sky this time.

Gdynia Aero Expo is also an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the latest aviation trends. The company Aviation Artur Trendak has prepared a special presentation of its gyroplanes in the AERO EXPO zone.


It will happen – You cannot miss it!

See you soon!


Press Department

Aviation Artur Trendak

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