GYROSCAN – Opracowanie innowacyjnej metody monitorowania stanu agrocenozy z wykorzystaniem teledetekcyjnego systemu wiatrakowca, w aspekcie rolnictwa precyzyjnego
Projekt współfinansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
w ramach programu „Środowisko naturalne, rolnictwo i leśnictwo” BIOSTRATEG
Nazwa beneficjenta: Aviation Artur Trendak
Wartość projektu: 13 403 143 zł
Wartość dofinansowania: 10 414 587 zł
Okres realizacji: 01.08.2016 – 31.07.2019
Link do strony projektu:
The aim of this project is to elaborate innovative rotorcraft components and build them in the Applicant’s
products with the use of a new technology of joining high-strength aviation-based durals and give them
functional properties that have not yet been used in aviation industry. The basis of the work are positive results
of using glued joints of rotor blades and sockets setting their eneral stroke for local hardening of the critical
section of blades mounting in the head. The works have been conducted as a joint project of the Applicant and
The Institute of Aviation that will be a subcontractor from now on. The project aims to transfer the experience
gained onto other components and improve the material performance indicators in critical elements of the
manufactured air constructions, which should increase their safety and main operational features that are
preferred by the buyers. The works cover conducting strength tests of glued duralumin joints, including selection
of glue type, glueing technique and surface preparation. One of the stages assumes using carbon nanotubes for
strengthening selected glued joints. The successive stage involves making the demontrative versions of the
critical rotocraft components based on the optimalised technology (blades joint, rotor head, supporting mast,
landing gear) and the dedicated testing stations. The components will be subjected to functional and proof tests
for aeronautical products. Next, the products, in their final forms, will be tested in the air at specially prepared
flying platforms. In effect, the AAT products will get technical advantage over competitive products, and that will
provide an opportunity of expanding the offer by the sale of new components as independent products , which
will strengthen the Applicant’s market position in the world.