Make your flying dreams come true in just a few steps.


Step by Step how to buy a gyroplane tailored to the pilot’s needs:

In the link below we provide step-by-step advice on how to best choose and configure a gyroplane before buying:

Purchase: https://www.trendak.eu/en/equipment-offer-2021/


UAGP Pilot  Training:

You do not know where to start your aviation adventure? The link provides information on aviation training.

Training: https://www.trendak.eu/en/training-and-service/pilot/


Test flight:

You will arrange a flight and test the new AAT gyroplanes.

Flight: https://www.trendak.eu/sklep/lot-zapoznawczy/


Please contact us: https://www.trendak.eu/pl/dealerzy/


Patryk Kazimierski

Tel: +48 575 100 120

WhatsApp: +48 575 100 120

E-mail: patryk.k@trendak.eu

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