Record number of registered gyroplanes Aviation Artur Trendak!

We are pleased to inform you that the AAT gyroplanes are breaking new records. This time the record was broken in Poland.


At the beginning of 2022, the Civil Aviation Authority published a complete list of registered aircraft in Poland. Quoting Przegląd Lotniczy: “The most numerous type of ultralight planes are gyroplanes – 110 pieces” – information on gyroplanes registered in Poland. A record was set in the registration of new gyroplanes because as many as 21 examples were registered last year in Poland.


The register of civil aircraft is kept by the President of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). By making a registration entry, the identity of a given item is stated, the owner and possibly the user are specified, and the nationality is established. The published data show that pilots choose gyroplanes more and more often.


Why a gyroplane?

Current pilots and future owners of gyroplanes come to us with this question.


Advantages of the gyrocopter over other aircraft:

  • Low purchase price – a price comparable to the purchase of a new car
  • Cheaper and easier pilot training
  • Cheaper operation – gyroplanes fly on ordinary fuel (95)
  • Cheaper service – parts available immediately, anywhere
  • Lower insurance and registration fees
  • Safer due to continuous flight in autorotation
  • Greater visibility and greater comfort during the flight – spacious and glazed cabin
  • No hangar fees – you can hangar on your own
  • Possibility to take off and land anywhere – meadows, fields, grassy areas
  • Possibility of adaptation and configuration to individual needs



Why is it best to choose the TERCEL gyroplane model? Below in the link there is a comparison of two gyroplanes.


To answer the above question why Tercel:

  • Much better visibility
  • Greater clearance
  • More efficient engine cover
  • Aerodynamic cabin
  • Wider wheelbase
  • Composite landing gear
  • Bowden control system
  • More space in the cabin
  • Double tail pipes
  • Wider horizontal stabilizer


Comparison of gyroplanes: https://trendak.eu/pl/zalety/

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