Jaktorów July 2018


At the airfield of the Wolsztyn Aviation Association on June 29 – July 1, a Microlight Polish Competition was held. The competitions in Powodowo qualified pilots to the Microlight Cup of Poland 2018 and the series of preparations of the AAT team to the Microlight World Championships.

The inaugural air start of the 2018 season for the Aviation Artur Trendak teams can be counted as successful. Route Planner (the person responsible for the preparation of routes and tasks of navigational competition) prepared for competitors a number of surprises on the routes of flight, but they did not cause trouble for our pilots.

The championship in the GL-2 class, after a phenomenal start and teamwork, was won by the SP-XXLX Gyroplane team Marcin Majsterek and Dominika Jurkiewicz. After the fierce and even rivalry of fair play, the team of the SP-XXSX Gyroplane Dariusz Szymańczak and Maciej Marszałek took second place.


Final classification in GL-2  class:


1st place: Marcin Majsterek / Dominika Jurkiewicz

2nd place: Dariusz Szymańczak / Maciej Marszałek

3rd place: Andrzej Rybski


Congratulations to all pilots for completing the competition and spectacular competition to the end.


Press Department

Aviation Artur Trendak

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