SUN & FUN 2017


This month is the end of final engine performance settings and technical upgrades in our new model TAIFUN gyroplane. Due to high interest in purchasing the gyroplane we now start collecting the orders.


The availability of the first gyroplane units are planned for September 2017 on the Polish market and the possibility of shipping finished KIT-s to the US in October. On the other hand, you can now place orders for machines fitted toyour own individual criteria.


We also invite you to visit our stand at the fair “SUN’nFUN”. Our pilots and technicians will be there and they will answer all your questions about the construction, manufacturer and use of gyroplanes from Aviation Artur Trendak.


SUN’nFUN 4-9 April 2017 Florida

www.trendak.eu / www.flysnf.org / www.airgyro.com

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