Jaktorów September 2017


Since a few years Aviation Artur Trendak has been preparing to offer better and more efficient machines, competing directly with other companies in the segment with quality, technical support and performance.

Trendak’s engine-and-cabin equation outperforms other manufacturers. In recent years, AAT machines have not only become favorites for those who prefer side by side but have demonstrated their superiority in competitions around Europe conquering all the podiums of each event.

This makes those interested in purchasing our models feel more comfortable acquiring one. AirGyro in Utah, United States, is now the new headquarters of Trendak Aviation, becoming a brand with direct presence and immediate technical support for our customers in all states of the American union. Every day will be easier to acquire and certify the machine than the public always request. Stronger, wider and more secure.

AirGyro and its experienced team of more than fifteen years in the market of Gyrocopters, training and distributing, now offers all our models with full support and direct factory warranty. Additionally complete advice on assembly kits and certification. The team of AirGyro together with the team of AAT personally supervised by its CEO and founder Artur Trendak, worked hand in hand the last three weeks to ensure quality and perfect product delivery in the last three machines that a drive on this month.



Soon Trendak Aviation will open its offices in the United States to assist all its customers and friends, as it is already in Brazil, all customers and students who want to take the step and acquire an aircraft appropriate to their needs can be sure that their investment will be supported by the best human talent possible.


More information:

Aviation Artur Trendak: www.trendak.eu

Trendak Center Brasil: www.trendakcenter.com (Brazil)

AirGyro: www.airgyro.com (US)


Press and media department

Aviation Artur Trendak

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