Jaktorów January 2018


The year 2017 was an intensive and full of development year for Aviation Artur Trendak. There was a lot going on at home and abroad because we increased our sales and distribution net. We managed to open the American market, find two new dealers and strengthen our position in the Chinese market. The heroes are our pilots, who have won the first three places at the European Championships in Hungary.


At the beginning of 2018, a new service center will be opened together with the pilot’s home. The gyrocopter service center will be fully adapted for customers who want to fly in and service their machines on site. The first service campaigns at the WeKeepYouFlying Poland Center will begin this year.


In the middle of last year, we presented the full version of our flagship and also exclusive model – the TaiFun gyroplane, which hit the covers of aviation magazines. Currently, we configure its standard equipment and available versions of optional equipment in terms of individual remarks of our clients. We plan to launch our regular sales at the turn of March or April.

Last year, we started the project of a new TWISTAIR 2.0 tandem gyroplane model. The first show of the model will take place at the aviation fair in Germany “AERO Friedrichshafen” (April 18-21, 2018).


In the meantime, we have completed several projects related to the adaptation of gyroplanes in different areas of operation. Below are some examples of the most important projects:


– the first part of implementation of the CODEN gyroplane project

– completion of the first stage of the Gyroscan Project co-financed under the BIOSTRATEG program. Throughout the whole year, flights over fields took place periodically, in order to adapt the gyroplane to the tasks of the AGRO. Thanks to the research, a decision support system based on the Hyperspectral Scanners System will be developed, which will make full use of the gyroplane for AGRO tasks

– thanks to cooperation with A & A Technologies, the avionics system has been designed and manufactured, which conquers global markets


Finally, we would particularly like to highlight the sporting achievements of our pilots and AAT machines. The European Championship and the Polish Cup are not all the achievements of our team. However, it was these events that gave our machines the name “The Best Gyro 2017”

A complete list of AAT competitions and achievements:


The new year 2018 sets a lot of new challenges for us, but we have set goals to which we will strive. We will inform you about all our actions and achievements.

On the occasion of the New Year, we would like to wish you all professional successes and satisfaction from the challenges we have taken.

„We KeepYou Flying”


Press Department

Aviation Artur Trendak

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