Jaktorów August 2018


“Triple hattrick” done by polish gyroplane teams.


It is third in a row world championship won by Aviation Artur Trendak pilots on a “GLOBAL FAI” competition. Two years ago, in 2016, our pilots conquered England on a World Cup. Last year on a European Championship they declassed another competitors winning the whole podium in RGL-2 class (gyroplanes). They also won European team world cup.

In this year they make the impossible..


Once again, three AAT teams won first  three places (the whole podium) in final classification of World Cup. This is only just a beginning of success and trophies. Our pilot also won European team world cup! All these success would not be possible without the perfect, light, safe and reliable gyrocopter – TERCEL. We dare say that our gyrocopter TERCEL deserves an award and title “TERCEL – the best gyro 2018”.


Official results in RGL-2 class:


1th place: Marcin Majsterek / Dominika Jurkiewicz (SP-XXLX)

2nd place: Dariusz Szymańczak / Maciej Marszałek (SP-XXSX)

3rd place: Alojzy Dernbach / Klaudia Laskowska (OM-M393)


Checked and tested composite cabin and another optimized gyro part let our champions fly safety in extreme and difficult conditions.


We are proud of our pilots victory.  It is a visible sign of our hard and long work on the development of Tercel’s gyro. It is worth mention that we have developed TERCEL since 2006!


Congratulations to all pilots for the results and fierce and spectacular competition to the very end.


Press Department

Aviation Artur Trendak

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