Welcome to the New Year for all gyroplane and aviation enthusiasts.

We have prepared for you a new list of AAT gyroplane equipment.


Make your flying dreams come true in just a few steps.


Step 1: Select the model

In the link below, we present a list of equipment for TERCEL INDIVIDUAL // EXCLUSIVE // SPORT models.

Equipment configuration:



From the AAT equipment list, you can choose three standard configurations or individually configure your own gyroplane that will meet all your requirements.


Step 2: Write to us

If you have chosen the gyroplane model, click on the e-mail address and send the message: patryk.k@trendak.eu

In the title, write: Model of the gyroplane (example: TERCEL EXCLUSIVE)

In text: Ask additional questions or leave the message blank


In response, you will receive: a price list, adaptation options, production time and answers to additional questions.


Step 3: Make an appointment

 The last step is to fly with the selected gyroplane model. You can test and personally check each gyroplane chosen by you. Our advisor will contact you to arrange a meeting and a demonstration flight.


Check also our special offer:


The number of gyroplanes available in the promotion is limited.


Please contact us: https://www.trendak.eu/pl/dealerzy/


Patryk Kazimierski

Tel: +48 575 100 120

WhatsApp: +48 575 100 120

E-mail: patryk.k@trendak.eu


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